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“We are extremely happy to have Abby attending Northern. The school has wonderful facilities and the staff are welcoming and approachable. Abby enjoys coming to school and I can see that she is learning many skills and joining in many different activities. Her teacher and therapy staff are able to talk to us about what they are teaching Abby and ways to help and encourage her. We are delighted to be a part of this school”.

“My son Jordan has attended Northern School for Autism for the past six years. In that time the support we have received from staff has just been amazing. The teachers and therapy staff are always available to discuss any issues, and the outcomes are always achieved. My son has developed and learned so much and achieved goals I didn’t think were possible. A big thank you to all involved”.

“From the moment Anthony arrived at NSA we knew we had made the right choice of schooling for him. The teachers and therapy staff are amazing. They are caring, approachable, dedicated and professional. Anthony is happy, always improving, continually learning new skills and his individual learning plans cater for his specific needs.”

Family Involvement

The school has an active parent fundraising group at each campus who provide various events such as raffles, Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day stalls and special student lunches. Parents and carers are invited to participate in school council to contribute to the good governance of the school. Regular family support meetings are held throughout the year on a variety of topics.

Family Support Meetings





Monday 3rd February 

Prep Parent Coffee Morning 

Reservoir Camous

9:30am - 11:00am

Thursday 20th February 

Prep SSG Meeting

Reservoir Camous

Please see classroom teacher for times

Friday 21st February 

Prep SSG Meeting

Reservoir Camous

Please see classroom teacher for times

Thursday 6th March

Prep Parent Get together 

Reservoir Camous

9:15am - 10:30am

Friday 4th April

SSG Meetings

All Campuses

Please see classroom teacher for times

Important Events

Term Dates 2025

  • Term One: 28th January to 4th April – (students commence 30th January)
  • Term Two: 22nd April to 4th July
  • Term Three: 21st July to 19th September
  • Term Four: 6th October to 19th December

Important Dates

  • Thursday 19th December 2024 - End of school year for students 2:00pm Finish
  • Friday 20th December 2024 - SSG Day (no bus service) 
  • Wednesday 29th January - Student Free Day
  • Thursday 30th January - Students commence Term 1
  • Monday 10th March - Labour Day Holiday
  • Thursday 3rd April - Term 1 Ends (Students)
  • Friday 4th April - SSG Day (no bus service)
  • Monday 21st April - Easter Monday
  • Tuesday 22nd April - Term 2 Commences
  • Friday 25th April - ANZAC Day Holiday
  • Monday 9th June - King's Birthday Holiday
  • Thursday 3rd July - Term 2 ends (Students)
  • Friday 4th July - SSG Day (no bus service)
  • Monday 21st July - Term 3 Commences
  • Friday 15th August - Student Free Day
  • Thursday 18th September - Term 3 ends (students)
  • Friday 19th September - SSG Day (no bus service)
  • Monday 6th October - Term 4 Commences
  • Monday 3rd November - Student Free Day
  • Tuesday 4th November - Melbourne Cup Holiday
  • Thursday 18th December - End of School year for students
  • Friday 19th December - SSG Day (no bus service)

School Events / Meetings





Wednesday 29th January 

Meet the Teacher 

All Campuses

11:30am - 12:30pm

Wednesday 12th February

Special Events Meeting

Reservoir Campus


Wednesday 12th March

Special Events Meeting

Reservoir Campus


Monday 31st April

Easter Hat Parade - Early and Later Years

Reservoir Campus


Monday 31st April

Easter Hat Celebration

Lalor Campus


Tuesday 1st April

Easter Hat Parade - Middle Years

Reservoir Campus


Non School Service Links
